Uncovering AI-Generated Text (Alpha Release)

We are in the process of testing our new tool and would greatly appreciate your assistance in evaluating its performance!

To participate in the tool's evaluation, kindly upload a PDF document and provide your email address for the report delivery. The tool will perform following steps:

To understand the output better, we employ a color-coding system to highlight text that is potentially AI-generated. The color spectrum ranges from yellow to red, with red indicating a high confidence level and yellow denoting a lower confidence level.

In addition to the PDF report, you will also receive a Google feedback form. Please take a moment to share your valuable insights regarding your specific evaluation. Your feedback will greatly contribute to further enhancing the accuracy of the tool.

Please note that the tool is currently being hosted on a small server, so you may experience some delay in getting the output!!!

We would also like to express our gratitude to Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty of IIT-Delhi for his invaluable support and guidance.

We sincerely thank you for your time and consideration.

Alternatively, please try the following interface to evaluate small paragraphs instead of pdf document http://alpha.trinka.ai/detect_llm_text/

NOTE: Please do not close the screen until you receive the success message after clicking Submit button!!!